1776 -=- Daniel McCarthy Crashes the Az. Republican Party meeting.

3 years ago

Daniel McCarthy Crashes the Az. Republican Party meeting. Conservatives are fed up with the elites.
People in Arizona are FED UP with the Elitists in both Parties. Daniel McCarthy Crashes the Az. Republican Party meeting. We are not being represented at the Az GOP. The Patriot Party is gaining popularity.
When you break your oath of office, you should be removed, no exceptions!
Representatives have forgotten whom they work for, and We The People do not have Representation that we have been paying for.
I suggest you people get your act together! How hard is it to follow the constitution? How hard is it to KNOW right from wrong? How hard is it to say no to CORRUPTION??
How hard is it to elect a representative that is Honest truthful with no agenda other than God, country and families!!

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