What Is Happening & Really Going On? (Episode 2)

4 years ago

In episode 2, we take a look at what is happening & really going on from a broader perspective. There is so much going on at this time. There seem to be many different viewpoints, perspectives and many times quite polarized understandings of what is taking place.

Looking at what is playing out from a programmed, conditioned and ego perspective can be quite deceiving and limiting when we are actually going through something quite profound. For the most part, there seems to be a much more intensified reaction and response, coupled with a feeling of hopelessness. We are taking this opportunity to look at all that is playing out and unfolding from an expanded viewpoint to see how this is all orchestrated for a very specialized purpose and advancement opportunity.

We also outlined the changes that have occurred from the retooling process 10k years ago to now, and what we are in the process of doing and for what reason.

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