Tanzanite Look Alike Czochralski Pulled Forsterite Rectangle Radiant Cut

3 years ago

Czochralski Pulled Forsterite is the material which usually grown for low frequency lasers. Our material was produced especially for jewelry needs with the specific chromium concentration which makes this material look very similar to the genuine Tanzanite, and creates the similar color change effect. This is the best Tanzanite imitation. Actually the natural Forsterite is the mineral of Olivine group.

Stones are very variable in shade because of strong trichroism of Forsterite (same like the genuine Tanzanite-Zoisite). The hue may vary depend on light, also the main color depends on stone orientation to optical axis: from strong blue to bluish violet, even with greenish shade sometimes. Material also known under trade name Tanzanion

Chemical composition: (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 + Cr
R.I. = 1.636 – 1.730 with strong trichroism
Luster: Vitreous (Glassy)
Specific gravity: 3.21-3.30
Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7
Crystal system: Orthorhombic-Dipiramidal
Many stones 8x6mm

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