Evolutions Big Lie That Needs to be True for Evolution to be True

4 years ago

Population Bottlenecks--Evolutions Big Lie that NEEDS TO BE TURE: .....

1) FACT 1 https://rumble.com/vc73px-modern-science-supports-adam-and-eve.-two-people-we-are-all-related-too..html. So the entire human population, according to secular Scientists who study genetics, shows that the entire human race is related to the same two parents. Well, let me see, where did I hear that story before? Of course, since the scientist in the film is an evolutionist, he gives it a good old evolutionary spin, BUT THAT WOULD BE HIS SPECULATION ONLY.
....... The only real FACT we have from the science is--we all descended from a COMMON HUMAN ancestral pair--yeah, and we call them ADAM and EVE. SO THE BIBLE GOT IT RIGHT FORM THE VERY BEGINNING.
....... Also, Ancient history, across many cultures of the time also talk about the first parents AND I QUOTE: "The Hebrew and Greek accounts are not alone in the literature of the ancient Near East. Mesopotamian civilization and culture are considered to have begun at Sumer, and the Sumerians had a paradise myth, composed in the 3rd or 2nd millennium B.C., it consists of an unmistakable parallel with the Biblical account.2 Likewise, in ancient Egypt, the theme of an original paradise was pervasive."
....... Now add this fact of one man and one woman to the FACT stated below, and the Bible wins hands down period.
....... This past week, one of my recent posts really got the Atheists going. It is based on this short secular video clip that I showed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTOuAHWshG0. In the video, the narrator claims that at some time in the past, the human race almost went extinct. My point then, was that the Flood of Noah was THE explanation for this “bottleneck event.” However, after a week of debate, I came across the true reason why the Evolutionists propose that a “bottleneck event” is so very, very, very (can’t say very enough) important to their way of thinking.
....... Let’s start with a couple of other secular video clips, and then, a quote to bring more information into this discussion. Now, for my Atheist friends—as I always try to do, I have found all my scientific information from people considered hostile to religious thought—in other words, evolutionists themselves. One of the Atheist commenters to my post—disputed what I claimed (4 human breeding pairs after the Noah flood bottleneck event) by saying that there were “10,000 breeding pairs after the “bottleneck event,” and at the time I did not refute what he said, even though I knew the scientific research showed the number is much lower. In fact, in this first video, it talks about the “bottleneck event”, and they actually discuss the idea of how many “breeding pairs” of humans were available after the “bottleneck event.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q31xhg_YVc8
........ So, researchers believe, that it could have been as low as 40 breeding pairs—which, by the way, is astronomically closer to 4 breeding pairs, than it is to 10,000 breeding pairs.
....... Next up, is another secular video, that not only states that “only a handful of survivors” made it past the bottleneck, but it also brings into focus an astounding piece of information. Here is the video: https://rumble.com/vccg1j-evolution-of-man-is-a-fairy-tale-of-the-highest-order.html. Of course, the video GIVES the standard evolutionary claims, that humans have actually been around 6 million years, based on the fossil record. But in addition to these standard claims I have heard since I was a kid--they add THE THEORY of human population bottlenecks. Now please stop and ask yourself, why even postulate human bottlenecks? If the standard evolutionary JUST SO story is true—why postulate human population bottlenecks at all—and it hit me like a ton of bricks. BECAUSE THE EVOLUTIONIST HAS TO EXPLAIN AWAY THE EVIDENCE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE—AND THAT EVIDENCE GOES AGAINST DARWINIAN EVOLUTION. In other words—please get this—an evolutionist by definition—already believes in evolution—so instead of following the evidence where it leads, he must explain away any contra evidence to his DOGMA and religion—he must propose another JUST SO story to keep his paradigm alive.
....... Let me explain. Here is a Secular Science quote: All human beings are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic makeup. Differences in the remaining 0.1 percent hold important clues about the causes of diseases. Article: Genetics vs. Genomics Fact Sheet. Genome.gov September 7, 2018
........ So in the year 2020, the science establishment knows that all humans alive today share 99.9 percent of the same DNA. In other words, there is no evidence, that modern humans have existed for 6 million years as the video suggests. In fact, with only a .1 percent genetic difference between all humans, the human species alive today, cannot date back more than a few thousand years. How can this claim be made—virtually NO genetic diversity—in the modern day gene pool of Human Beings. In other words, the only real hard evidence we have, is that modern genetic studies, and geneticists have to EXPLAIN away the data that is right in front of there collective faces—especially if they are evolutionists. Which means, the only real hard data we have, is that all humans alive today, lack any genetic diversity PERIOD. Of course, the evolutionist’s FIX for this predicament is to propose a human population bottleneck—there we patched up our JUST SO evolutionary story once again.
....... And here is the most important HOWEVER of my post, what does THE EVIDENCE ACTUALY imply—it implies one very important fact—and it is the only true fact we can go on—the Human Species is NOT 6 million years old, or 200,000, or 100,000 or even 75,000 years old period. Well, if the human species is not even 75,000 thousand years old based upon the lack of genetic diversity—how old are they? Lets now bring in some more genetic evidence, in a recent secular study: QUOTE: “Around 7,000 years ago - all the way back in the Neolithic - something really peculiar happened to human genetic diversity. Over the next 2,000 years, and seen across Africa, Europe and Asia, the genetic diversity of the Y chromosome collapsed, becoming as though there was only one man for every 17 women. Now, through computer modelling, researchers believe they have found the cause of this mysterious phenomenon: fighting between patrilineal clans.
........Article: Something Weird Happened to Men 7,000 Years Ago, And We Finally Know Why, MICHELLE STARR, 31 MAY 2018”
........ So between 7000, and 5000 years ago, “something really peculiar happened to human genetic diversity.” Oh really—yep, with a 2000 year window, we can attribute the appearance of modern man to one of two events.
1) A special creation of God, Or
2) the Flood of Noah a few thousand years later—take your pick—either one fits the data. I know, I know, for the Atheist, I can see the veins in your neck popping out right about now. And of course—the article SPECULATED by “computer model” what caused this “peculiar” event—but again that would be there evolutionary bias and Just So story to explain the event.
....... Furthermore, with only .1 percent difference between all humans—male and female—not just the men--even the proposed 75,000 year ago bottleneck event, is way too much time. In other words, if the bottle neck event happened 75,000 years ago, there would be more than just .1 percent difference in the human genetic population, by this time. Fact is, the latest scientific evidence shows, that 7,000 years is a more reasonable time estimate for only a .1 percent genetic difference among humans. And since these “bottleneck” events don’t happen often, one must pick the secular evolutionary just so bottleneck story, that fits the data the best—and a 7,000 to 5,000 year old bottleneck story, fits the data, and wins hands down. Period.
........ So, THE BIBLE got it right again, and I have ancient records—from the oldest written language on my side—talking about both Adam and Eve, and Noah’s flood no less. And now, I even have scientific evidence of a “bottleneck event”—which corresponds nicely to the Biblical Records. It has never been a better time to be a person of FAITH than it is today.

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