Twitter Censorship of Pro-Life Messaging

3 years ago

While Twitter continues to refuse Live Action to purchase ads on its social media platform, the company is permitting Planned Parenthood and abortion supporters Alyssa Milano and ReproAction to purchase tens of thousands of dollars worth of advertisements to promote abortion and oppose pro-life legislation.

Twitter’s reasoning for blocking Live Action’s pro-life message? According to Live Action president and founder Lila Rose, the company “said that our content violated its sensitive advertising content policy, which prohibits ‘inflammatory or provocative content which is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction’….” The inflammatory content “include[d] pictures of children developing in the womb and even simple ultrasound images of babies — like the ones that expectant parents hang on their refrigerator doors….”

In addition, Rose said, “because many of our tweets link back to Live Action’s website, Twitter requires us to scrub our website of similar content before it will allow us to promote our tweets again. In other words, Twitter wants Live Action to scrub almost all of its pro-life messaging.”

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