Texas: El Paso tonight

3 years ago

Yesterday, I flew from D.C. to El Paso. Today ventured over the border into Juarez, Mexico.

El Paso is rated one of the safest large cities in America. Juarez -- a five minute walk over the bridge into Mexico, is one of the most dangerous cities on earth.

I walked over with Todd Bensman who studies the border and related issues.

On the way out, Todd asked CBP officers various questions such as do we need COVID tests to return from Mexico into the United States. They answered no, we do not need COVID test to walk in. Only to fly. Apparently COVID only flies to America.

A CBP commander wearing rank of lieutenant colonel appeared miffed that we were only going to Mexico for a day, then returning, saying we were putting her officers at risk. That while a long line of cars and another long line of pedestrians were lined up to enter. But somehow we were the risk. Apparently COVID does in fact walk.

Todd had told me earlier that many Mexican cases are rushed to the United States for treatment. He asked this to a CBP officer -- asking if she saw this much. Clearly they are forbidden to talk. But she acknowledged that they come over with lights flashing at times and skip the queue to get to hospital.

After some time in Juarez, we walked back over and stood in line to re-enter United States. Two CBP agents escorted a man just by us back to the Mexico side. Todd asked an officer if this was a Title 42 case. Title 42 means they catch an illegal entry and take him/her/it straight back to Mexico. The CBP acknowledged this was Title 42. Todd then asked if he was Mexican. The officer said no. The Title 42 was not Mexican, and the officer would not say where he was from.

Now, back from the dangerous city of El Paso to the much safer city of El Paso where the wild winds of West Texas blow.

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