#StopTheSteal DC MAGA Stream - FULL 7 HOURS | Good Dudes Show #37 Live - January 6th, 2021

4 years ago

#StopTheSteal DC MAGA Stream - 7 HOURS | Good Dudes Show #37 Live - January 6th, 2021

00:00 Start of stream
08:30 Steve Bannon's War Room at 10:10 am EST
44:55 Good Dudes commentary with Luke Weinhegen
52:30 Steve Bannon's War Room 3 at 10:52 am EST AMERICASVOICE.NEWS
58:47 Good Dudes Commentary before the speech
1:20:42 Steve Bannon's War Room 3 at 11:14 am EST
1:58:02 President Trump's #StoptheSteal Speech
3:09:32 VP Pence says he will support Biden
3:12:04 Retire to the Chambers
3:19:51 Eli joins from on the ground in DC
3:30:40 Trump put Pence on the spot discussion

The Good Dudes Show hosted part 1 of the #StoptheSteal rally with President Trump on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 in an extended stop the steal live stream event to cover the epic history-making events happening as the MAGA crowd descends on Washington D.C. with guests live from the event and coverage and commentary of the event as it unfolds.

Please open GoodDudesShow, our DLive backup channel, too, in case Susan Wojcicki decides to mass-censor coverage of the event and therefore our stream.
Ironically we'll have to go to Chinese owned DLive, in order to get a little free speech, so here is the link: https://dlive.tv/GoodDudesShow
Part 2 Link:
We will be taking a lunch/refreshment break from 2pm - 2:30pm and will be back for Part II: The Follow-up and Afterparty:
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Restoration Radio episode on the topic of The Sovereign American Project: https://youtu.be/VlQ-56LBhbE

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