Back-Up Emergency Lighting Hack for Backpacking, Camping, and General Use

3 years ago

In this video, I talk about a hack or idea that I had the other day and the many uses for a back-up emergency lighting system for those who backpack or camp or just for general use. In order for this to work, however, it is important to be used with a portable power bank. I have left links below to the lights that I purchased in my quest for this idea. Under that, I am also leaving a link to a couple of the power banks that I use while out on the trail.
I hope this idea works out for you. I plan to feature me using it in a future video.

Link to a variety pack of LED lights:
Link to a 10 pack of LED lights:
Link to large 8 LED lights:

Link to my Anker Powerbank 26800 Mah:
Link to my Solar Powerbank 35800 Mah:

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