Denmark National Anthem (Instrumental) Der er et Yndigt Land

3 years ago

"Der er et yndigt land", commonly translated into English as "There is a lovely country", is one of the national anthems of Denmark.
The lyrics were written in 1819 by Adam Oehlenschläger and the music was composed in 1835 by Hans Ernst Krøyer.

(English Translation/Lyrics)
I know a lovely land
With spreading, shady beeches
Near Baltic’s salty strand;
Its hills and valleys gently fall
Its ancient name is Denmark,
And it is Freya’s hall.

There in the ancient days
The armoured vikings rested
Between their bloody frays;
Then they went forth the foe to face
Now found in stone-set barrows
Their final resting place.

This land is still as fair
The sea is blue around it
And peace is cherished there;
Strong men and noble women still
Uphold their country’s honour
With faithfulness and skill.

Hail King and Fatherland
Hail every Danish person
For doing what he can;
The Viking land for Danes is true
With fields and waving beeches
By a sea so blue.

Nationalsang Danmark / Danish National Anthem / Himno Nacional de Dinamarca / Hymne National du Danemark / Nationalhymne von Dänemark / Volkslied van Denemarken / Hino da Dinamarca / Dänische Nationalhymne / Dansk Nationalsang / Danmarks Nationalsång / Danimarka Milli Marşı / Гимн Дании / Himna Danske / Dánia Himnusza / Hymn Danii / Inno Nazionale della Danimarca

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