Grumpy sea lion father chastises hungry baby for interrupting nap time

3 years ago

Sea lions are truly the puppy dogs of the sea, resembling our four legged friends in their behaviour as well as their facial appearances. Their personalities are similar in many ways. They enjoy play time and frolicking in the surf and on the sand, and their fun loving nature delights tourists and residents alike. These hilarious animals inhabit almost every beach or rocky shore in the Galapagos Islands.

A bull sea lion is a large and formidable animal. Powerful, and equipped with large teeth like a giant breed dog, they command respect when they need it. They are territorial animals and there is only room for one mature male in each colony. There may be dozens of females and their babies, but the bull has breeding rights and will chase off any male who challenges him. In return, the male discourages predators and protects his colony, even supervising the young sea lions when the mothers are out in the ocean, hunting for food.

This adorable baby has come to his mother with plaintiff cries for milk. Baby sea lions are always hungry and they know that their mother's nap time is the perfect opportunity for a meal. But the father, who thinks it is cuddle time, does not want to be interrupted. He barks and snarls at the baby and tells him it's not time for a drink. The sad baby wanders around crying but he finds a spot in the sand to have a nap. He will get his chance soon enough when the father gets hungry enough to go out into the water for his lunch.

Sea lions are one of the most interesting and entertaining parts of a visit to the Galapagos Islands.

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