The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 76 - Sleeping With The Enemy: A Watchman Corona Virus Report 4

4 years ago

If there was a "device," a means by which to dominate and control a population then revolution and war would be logical on a localized basis. However, in order to get nearly 8 billion people to comply with a central totalitarian authority "Voluntarily" some other method was necessary. This is why a "VIRUS" was chosen by the Jesuits. They saw its potential for FEAR and COMPLIANCE using "HEALTH" and "SAFETY" as a carrot to entice people into obedience. After decades of psychological conditioning through Hollywood movies and science channel indoctrination the Jesuits realized that people had been dumbed down enough through many generations of Masonic culture and education into believing what they were told by corrupt Masonic national governing authorities subservient to Rome. The year 2019 was chosen as the "launch" date because 2019 = 3 x 6 = 666. This is none other than a "MEDICAL INQUISITION" that the Jesuit Military Order is persecuting humanity with. The Jesuits control the "CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH" which is the contemporary version of the "OFFICE OF THE INQUISITION" with which the Roman Catholic "Beast" has and is persecuting and "EXTERMINATING" ALL HERETICS ie. ALL non Catholics! The Biblical "final" instalment of "TRIBULATION" is here. This FAKE virus "pandemic" will keep rolling out into world communism and the absolute worship of the Roman Catholic Jesuit "BEAST" Pope by all the enslaved citizens of the world. Failure to comply will result in "DEATH." This system will prevail for 42 months and then Jesus Christ will return and destroy it and set up his kingdom on Earth for 1000 years. Come Lord Jesus!

Learn more about the Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire at:

How To Become A Christian:

“Vaccination The Silent Killer: A Clear And Present Danger" written by Ida Honorof, and Eleanor McBean and published in 1977.

3 in 1 ID Vaccine:

3 in 1 ID Vaccine:


What has the UN achieved in 70 years? -

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Alice Bailey: "Externalization of the Hierarchy" -

The Cytokine Storm Syndrome:

Hugh Evans/Global Citizen/Global Poverty Project:

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