Navigating 2021: Goshen In The Midst of Egypt

3 years ago

Fear not what the New Year holds. Listen to this message and be encouraged, strengthened, and comforted.

"The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 (AMPC)

Good evening Dear Reader,
The Word of God, for some time now, has been my breakfast, lunch, my supper. It has been my necessary food. I did not become this way by choice. The challenges of life forced me to seek out God. The difficulties of life forced me to take the Bible and start searching for this God that the Christians talked about. I myself was born into a Christian home, but I never really knew God. I knew of him. Like everybody else, I had to seek God for myself. I still cannot say, I know God, or I have apprehended him. But at least I don't think I am as ignorant as I once was. As I have studied the scriptures for years and allowed it to impact my way of life and allowed it to give me a new culture, I began to notice changes in my conduct, habits, mannerisms, and way of life. My entire life, over the course of a number of years, changed totally for the better. I then received my calling as a teacher. And because I love the word of God, it was my delight to teach the Word of God. I have now taught it for many years. After many closed sessions in brick-and-mortar buildings, I soon wanted an outlet into the world, preferably via the internet—a no holds barred outlet to teach the Word of God. I've always wanted to make the Word of God available without any walls [physical wall, walls of denominationalism or religion, etc.] The true Household God is built without human hands, and it itself is without physical or mental walls because its walls are spiritual. I have hungered for such a platform to share the Word of God. I tried to make amateur sermon videos a number of times, but they didn't turn out too good.
But today is a new day. Today, I'd like to thank the Holy Spirit. Today I'd like to thank the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who have made it possible to overcome hurdles, just so I can teach the Word of God on the internet—without walls.

I dedicate this first broadcast of the SUNESIS GoodNews to the Lord Jesus Christ. The broadcast is called SUNESIS GoodNews. Why? Many news outlets around the world focus on bad news. This broadcast will focus on the Good News of Jesus Christ, The Good News of His Kingdom—Just as Jesus commanded. This broadcast is our obedience to His Instruction.

We will broadcast the Good News

• of the Kingdom of the soon coming King
• of sonship
• of the New Testament dispensation
• of the ministry of reconciliation and life

Welcome to our first broadcast. You're welcome to watch as we grow from one level of glory to another level of glory, bringing the Father pleasure. That is the purpose of our lives, to bring God pleasure—by taking His Word around the world.

God bless you for listening.

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