Star Trek New Voyages, 4x07, The Child

3 years ago

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Episode: 4x07a (revision a)
Title: "The Child"
Length: 0:52:34
Release date: April 5, 2012
Stardate: 9717.7
Writers: Jaron Summers and Jon Povill
Director: Jon Povill
Special Effects: Tobias Richter and Pony Horton

While the Enterprise passes through a strange energy cloud, a mysterious light force enters the ship and impregnates Ensign Isel who, within days, gives birth to a baby girl, Irska. The child grows up at a tremendous rate and while she appears to be human, it is feared she could endanger the ship after a strange alien spacecraft appears and puts everyone in jeopardy....

Ver. 4x07: Initial release
Ver. 4x07a: NBC Logo removed, fixed minor problem in act 4.

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