Hopium Hangover? January 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Hopium Hangover? January 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Not me.

You may have noticed that I sailed through this past week with nary a bump. And that might have irritated some of you.

It irritated my Sister.

She loves me, but having someone in your family who “always” wins is irritating.

It just is. Sometimes it’s downright infuriating.

She, like so many Americans, was depending on Donald Trump, or “Q”, or “the White Hats” to DO something, and of course, the only thing that happened was that a lot of petty insults were traded, and thousands of National Guardsmen were mistreated.

That made me angry, but I can’t say I was surprised. Having them there at all was just a stage prop for the rats, anyway.

The “Progressive” (What?) Plan fizzled out when the rest of us stayed home and didn’t come to their riot. So they spitefully left their stage hands without rides home and didn’t pay the beer bill. That’s par for the course for the Dems.

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