Dutch Oven Tortellini Veggies & Sausage

3 years ago

2 TBS olive oil
8 oz sliced mushrooms
1 red bell pepper sliced into strips
1 yellow or orange bell pepper sliced into strips
10 cloves garlic finely diced
Sun-dried tomatoes (optional)
1 can pitted black olives.
Cooked tortellini
3 to 4 TBS Pesto basil
Cooked Sweet Italian Sausages (optional)

Cook tortellini according to package directions.

Heat oil in your 12 inch Dutch oven. Sauté mushrooms, red and yellow bell peppers until they begin to soften. Add garlic and continue cooking until veggies are fully softened. Add sun dried tomatoes (optional) and black olives.

Combine veggie mixture and tortellini. Add pesto basil and stir until fully coated. Serve with Italian sausages (optional) and enjoy!

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