23/01/21 Jesus, the humble Lamb, advances proudly, to give strength to His own.

3 years ago

Jesus, the humble Lamb, advances proudly, to give strength to His own. He walks with his head held high, so that Christians, over time and in history, can imitate him until the end, especially when one has to face the trials, having to go towards the trial, just as Jesus was well aware of having to face the trial that awaited him in the so-called "Holy City", that was no longer holy, that Jerusalem; but for many considered so. Jesus advances, humble but proud. Jesus is not the "great humiliated", as someone would have us believe now, in these times. Jesus is proud. Humble but proud. Not humiliated. Different. And manifest this pride that comes to us, to make us understand with what spirit we must face the trials and all those who fight the Spirit of God. Now as then the Spirit of the Teacher is alive and leads Christians making them advance head-on. Humble, Christians, but not humiliated. The humiliation will be left to others, to those who have pronounced these words, to those who say that Jesus is the "great humiliated". To them we will leave the humiliation. Christians, on the other hand, must go forward with their heads held high, humble but proud on the path they must take, which they must undertake.
This is what is needed nowadays. This is the time when the Christian community must raise its head, must rediscover its sense of belonging, its history, showing with pride its own symbols, first of all the Cross, that Cross that illuminates the world, that Cross that stands out even in this Sanctuary. That Cross of light, that Cross of gold, which leads us to the victorious Christ, not to the defeated Christ, not to the humbled Christ. This is the pride we must transmit now, as Christians, to the Christian community, to all Christians; in order to give every Christian that sense of belonging that in other realities instead one would like to make lose. One cannot sell one's identity in the name of a supposed respect for those who profess another idea of religion, following the example of the summit of the Church of Rome which, in a public meeting, preferred to remove the symbols of the Christian faith in order not to disrespect others, towards those who were guests at the time. That is not "respect". That is selling off one's identity, hiding one's own symbols. This is what should not happen at this time, where proudly each one shows his own symbols without, with this, lacking respect for others. We must understand well everything that we live and to not let words take the place of what is essence and substance. Because if Christians are ashamed of the Cross, if Christians are ashamed of the nativity scene, as ever more often happens at Christmas, one is ashamed of Jesus, of the symbol of Jesus. And what will happen? It happens that those who are ashamed of Jesus before men ... Then it happens that, to them, that shame will be manifested towards the Father, because Jesus will not recognize them before the Father. This is what should not happen. This is why Christians must keep their roots firmly and live the teachings of the Gospel in essence and substance, to bring everyone to Christ so that in Christ everyone can be saved.

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