Truth in Jouralism and The Great Reset. Seperating Truth from Fiction

4 years ago

Where is the TRUTH?
What is "The Great Reset" & Why are People So Worried About It?
What's up with Bill Gate's Land grab?

Let's talk about truth in journalism... WHY should we care about what's happening currently with censorship.
Truth is being called "Conspiracy" by Main Stream Media.

June 3, 2020, The Prince of Wales' Sustainable Markets Initiative, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, launched a major global initiative, #TheGreatReset​.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Winston Churchill’s famous words from the darkest days of world war 2 have taken on more sinister meaning as the decades have passed.

This quote was actually meant to be an inspirational message of hope to the British people but these days more cynical onlookers see that people with ill intent can use a crisis, just as well as those who are virtuous.

The Great Reset is a collective name given to a series of economic policies that are attempting to use the recovery from the coronavirus as a way to supposedly build a better, brighter, more sustainable world.

This policy was first unveiled by the World Economic Forum and the United Kingdoms Prince Charles on June 3, 2020, and since this announcement, it has gathered support from a laundry list of economists, politicians, business people, and celebrities.

But it has also gathered a fair bit of criticism. Just 72 hours after its announcement a petition to stop it gained 80,000 signatures, which is kind of fair enough.

The whole premise of this proposal does sound very ominous.
Economic plans titled the great something has not exactly had the best track record.

The fact that this plan is leveraging a disaster, alongside the fact that it is pushing some controversial policies means that major conspiracies have been surfaced.

The Great Reset has not helped its case at all. If someone was to try and research what this plan actually was they would be presented with two extremely bizarre adds that explain absolutely nothing, and a 2-hour panel, which was extremely boring even to a major economics nerd like myself, and also kinda equally as unhelpful.

We know this because well, we had to research this plan to make this video.

What is The Great Reset actually proposing to do?

Do these ideas have any merit?

Who are the players involved in pushing this agenda?

And is this actually a nefarious scheme or just the victim of terrible marketing?

The Great Reset aims to 'reset, reimagine, rebuild, redesign, reinvigorate and rebalance our world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.'

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