The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 48 - The Jesuit Trojan Horse Infiltration Of World Education

3 years ago

The Jesuit Military Order of Rome was founded specifically to wage war against the Protestant Reformation and to conquer the world for the Roman Papal caesar. The Jesuits realized early that the only way to enslave humanity was to control their minds through education and culture. Immediately they sailed to every corner of the world to indoctrinate the indigenous peoples on every continent with Roman Catholic religion. They set up schools wherever they went and with the colonising militaries available forced the people at the point of the sword to not only convert or "die" but also to educate their children. All education worldwide is now controlled by the Jesuits through the United Nations common "core" curriculum. Private or public schooling makes no difference. Luciferian concepts have been infiltrated into the minds of the last 4 generations of young people. There is no way to wind this back.

The Jesuit "Trojan Horse" Infiltration Of World Education!

​Private And Public "Schools" Are Centres For Mind Control!

​Education Of The Masses Is Corrupt And "Dumbed" Down!

Learn more at:


The Revolutionary Movement - J. Findlater - 1933
​A Diagnosis Of World Disorders Fomented By The Jesuits

Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities In The USA

More information below about Jesuit schools in the USA only!

List of Jesuit Educational Institutions Worldwide

More information below about Jesuit schools worldwide!

Know Your Enemy: The World Core Curriculum

Alice Bailey

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