Cuba National Anthem (Instrumental) El Himno de Bayamo

4 years ago

"El Himno de Bayamo" (English: "The Bayamo Anthem", lit. 'The Hymn of Bayamo"') is the national anthem of Cuba. It was first performed in 1868, during the Battle of Bayamo. Perucho Figueredo, who took part in the battle, wrote and composed the song. The melody, also called "La Bayamesa" (English: "The Bayamo Song"), was composed by Figueredo in 1867.

(Spanish Lyrics / English Translation)
¡Al combate, corred, Bayameses!,
Que la patria os contempla orgullosa;
No temáis una muerte gloriosa,
Que morir por la patria es vivir.

Run to battle, men of Bayamo!
The motherland looks proudly to you;
Do not fear a glorious death,
Because to die for the motherland is to live.

En cadenas vivir es vivir
En afrenta y oprobio sumidos,
Del clarín escuchad el sonido;
¡A las armas, valientes, corred!

To live in chains it's to live
Mired in shame and disgrace,
From the bugle hear the sound;
Run, brave ones, to battle!

Himno Nacional de Cuba / Cuban National Anthem / l'Hymne National de Cuba / Nationalhymne von Kuba / Himna Kube / キューバ国歌

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