The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 38 - Jesuit Preterism and Futurism In False Dispensational Theology

4 years ago

Early in the European Protestant Reformation the Jesuit Military Order of Rome was commissioned to wage war against Biblical truth which had wounded Rome and caused the awakening of millions to new found faith and freedom in Jesus Christ. As the masses abandoned the Roman Catholic religion for Faith in Christ the Jesuits created their "Counter Reformation" and war plan with the Council Of Trent deliberations. Jesuit scholars were commissioned to write interpretations of Daniel and Revelation that pointed the finger away from Rome as the antichrist system. It has taken the Jesuits 500 years but they have finally succeeded in planting the poisonous seeds of dispensational methodology firmly within the Evangelical mainstream. Millions of Christians are unaware of who their enemy really is as they hold to the fiction of mysterious antichrist figure who is to appear out of nowhere in the distant future. Few understand that the POPES of Rome are a long succession of antichrists and that the final POPE is "THE MAN OF SIN" described in scripture. Today ALL major Evangelical churches and other religions have joined with the Roman Catholic church in world ECUMENISM. This one world religion will gradually turn on all Christians and Jews who refuse to participate in the BEAST system and worship the BEAST! We are truly standing at the end of time!

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