The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 35 - The Jesuits Enforcing Papal Supremacy And Infallibility

4 years ago

The Jesuits of Rome control the office of the Papacy. They need the white Pope as a "Frontman" to deceive the masses. The Jesuits understand human psychology and the human need for heroes. They promote the Pope as supreme ruler over the Earth, Heaven and Hell. With Papal decrees they declare the Pope to be God on Earth and his words to be "Infallible." Never in the history of mankind has so great a deception been conceived to deceive the whole world. The last Pope is the "Man of Sin," the Beast and will be destroyed by Jesus Christ when he returns to Earth in all his glory. He will wage war against God's people for a short time but will not prevail ultimately. Jesus Christ is the only true head of the church and this is declared over and over in the Bible.

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