Bearadise Ranch - PETA Makes False Accusations

3 years ago

Why is the news media helping PETA push their agenda? People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and their affiliated animal rights extremist groups like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), have mastered the art of smear campaigns and fake news. PETA especially, uses the tactic of throwing mud up against the wall to see what will stick. One of the ways they do this is by letter writing on a massive scale and submitting endless press releases. The most recent unfounded and ridiculous attack by PETA targeted a friend of Protect The Harvest, the Welde Family and their wonderful program at Bearadise Ranch.
The latest ridiculous PETA Press Release: PETA submitted their latest ridiculous press release full of false claims about Bearadise Ranch to news outlets in Florida. Unfortunately, ABC 7 Sarasota, publicized PETA’s false claims. ABC 7 even went so far as to allow a PETA representative on the air to demand that the Welde family “do the right thing” by turning over their bears to them. When did PETA become an expert on the care and welfare of bears? ABC 7 allowed the PETA representative to do this without any proof that the Welde family in any way had mistreated their bears.
We hope you took the opportunity to view our video so you can see how the bears live and the vehicles they are transported in when they travel to give educational presentations to the public. Then consider how horrible it is for the Welde family to have to endure these types of ideologic attacks by extremist groups on a public forum such as a newscast in their community.
Why doesn’t the news media understand the consequences of their actions? We know that many who work in the news media industry love animals. We also know that they are concerned about wildlife conservation and understand the importance of educating the public about animals. What we can’t understand is why these very same people are giving a voice to animal rights organizations’ false and totally unfounded claims that are based solely on the animal rights extremist ideology. Why can’t the news media comprehend that these groups have the goal and agenda to end all human-animal interactions as well as animal ownership? Don’t they know that these groups make no distinctions, and that pets are included in their ideology too?
The news media needs to stop aiding these extremist groups in attacking the innocent. Its one thing to report the news based on facts and entirely something different to report false and unfounded accusations that severely impact innocent families.
LINKS: You can see for yourself the care the bears at Bearadise Ranch receive by visiting their website at: Bearadise Ranch Facebook Page:

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