Desktop Metal gets on the NYSE, Copper 3D Printing, SSYS and BASF Release Machines & Materials!

4 years ago

This week, we've got a TON of new 3D Printing materials, as well as some acquisitions, investments, and Desktop Metal going PUBLIC!
00:00 Intro

00:11 New BASF, DM, Markforged Materials
Starting off we've got BASF releasing a NEW metal filament, Ultrafuse 17-4 PH. This is, as the name suggests, 17-4 Stainless Steel.

On top of stainless steel, if you DO want to spend $100k+ on a machine to print metal in FDM, both Markforged and Desktop metal now have the ability to print Copper.

SmarTech Analysis is also projecting that over 1.4 million kilograms of copper powder, both pure and copper alloys, will ship for 3D Printing use by 2029.

The Materials giant BASF and its subsidiary Sculpteo, launched four new Nylon PA 11 powders created from "renewable" castor oil.

PA11 MJF, Ultrasint PA11 CF, Ultrasint PA11 ESD, and Ultrasint PA11 – developed for selective laser sintering and HP’s Multi Jet Fusion technology, present new opportunities to print high ductility and impact strength parts.

Next, Markforged also released a new ESD-Safe Onyx

04:34 AMUG 2021 - It's BACK!
We've got AMUG finally coming back as a live event! This year it's been moved to Orlando, Florida

06:08 Dental 3D Bigger than Ever
In 2021 ALONE, Dental 3D Printing is expected to Reach $3.1B in revenue. That's right, 3.1 BILLION.

07:11 Stratasys BUYS ORIGIN
Stratasys BOUGHT the company Origin, who makes high-end SLA machines for performance materials.

At Vision Miner, all our machines are open-material systems -- specifically for high-temp, high-performance materials like PEEK and ULTEM, used in Aerospace, Medical, Automotive, Oil & Gas -- you name it. We love seeing this from SSYS. Check out our shop if you want to know more, at! And, if you love it -- hit that like and subscribe button ;)

08:46 Desktop Metal goes PUBLIC
And in MORE investor news, Desktop Metal has FINALLY GONE PUBLIC! That's right, you too can now invest in this 3D Printing company -- they're changing the game, and you can go along for the ride with them on the New York Stock Exchange. Expected to reach a value of $5 Billion in the next 5-10 years, it's probably a good bet.

09:16 New NEWS BLITZ

The Cultured Meat Revolution: Singapore and Israel One Step Closer to Commercializing Lab Grown Chicken

Branch Technology Raises $11M to Grow “Largest Fleet” of Construction 3D Printers

Blue Origin: 3D Printed Lunar Lander Engine Could Take First Woman to the Moon

NASA completes 23 hot-fire tests on critical 3D printed engine components

Formula 1 releases new range of 3D printed perfumes

Japanese additive manufacturing is rising

A Report about the 3D printing trends of 2020, from our friends over at 3DNatives.

From Vision Miner to you, we wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
What 3d printer/accessory do you want for Christmas? Answer in the comments below!

Let us know what you thought of this video, news stories you thought were cool, or, of course, critique on how we can do better :)

At Vision Miner, we specialize in Functional 3D printing, especially high-performance plastics like PEEK, ULTEM, PPSU, PPS, CFPA, and more. If you're interested in using functional 3D printing and materials in your business, feel free to reach out, and we can help you make the right choice for your application.

Call 833-774-6863 or email, and we're here to help!

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