4 years ago

Created for Christmas 2020, 'Lockdown Christmas' introduces Lockdown lyrics to Greg Lake's 'I Believe in Father Christmas.'

"They said we could go home for Christmas
We get to see our loved ones again.
No one on their own this Christmas
We'd be with family and friends.

Politicians lie easily,
Breaking their word at the drop of a hat
The planning, expense and great expectations
They couldn't care less about that

They just went and cancelled Christmas
Who up there deserves our trust?
Lock down, make space and distance
Pretty soon after your business goes bust.

Locked down for Christmas, do not make a scene
Count all your blessings, await the vaccine.
Locked down forever and ever, Amen
Will I ever get to see my loved ones again?

I'm on my way home for Christmas
I'm happy to take the flak.
keep all the resets and build back better
All I want for Christmas is my old life back

Take Big Pharma's needle and stick it in their friends
Were done with horror stories, genocidal make pretends
They can send the Stasi after me, charge me with a crime
But they're not gonna rob me of my Christmastime!"

Unused refrain:

"In a beautiful dream, what did I see?
Marxism hanging from the Christmas Tree."

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