Once More. Slowly January 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Once More. Slowly January 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Okay, pop quiz:

Who defines, describes, limits, and charters all forms of corporations worldwide?

This includes all the statutory and commercial trusts, S Corps, C Corps, B Corps, PC’s, LLCs, Ltds, Cooperatives, Foundations, Cities, Municipalities, States, Tribes, Non-Profits, Nations, Provinces, Commonwealths, Monarchies, Territories and the Offices associated with all of them?

The Roman Curia.

This is where all this “stuff” comes from. All the labels and boxes and business structures and political units and subunits are dreamed up by Roman Curia, and this is the way it has been for close to 3,000 years they admit, and 4,100 years in fact.

Now that you have those flying factoids in your consciousness, consider that under Roman Civil Law, the Creator of something, whether a widget or a bad idea, is responsible for it.

So the Curia is the creator and stands responsible for oversight of all these airy-fairy creations of theirs, but then, they own them, too—- under Roman Civil Law and it’s codification, Municipal Law—- which applies to non-clerical citizens of the Holy Roman Empire, and Canon Law which applies to the lawyers and priests.

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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