Soul Coaching - Week of Jan. 24, 2021

4 years ago

Expect UNexpected Developments

***January 24, 2021 ***

Expect a TREMENDOUS week ahead!

Before the week is over, we’ll experience a Full Moon in Leo and Mercury stations retrograde. I gently remind you that the swell of energy continues as we enter February in a few days—and that can mean more unexpected developments (from personal to professional, even global).

Inside the membership portal this week, I share mindset strategies for your soul coaching for the week ahead that’ll help you with ENDURANCE—mental, emotional, and energetic.

Some highlights for the week ahead include:

-- Thinking QUALITY over QUANTITY. That means, think BEYOND the situation before you and strive for QUALITY and you will help yourself more that feel MIRACULOUS!

-- Let LOVE guide you (remember January’s Universal energy is centered around LOVE).

💓 Love lets truth bubble up to the surface.
💓 Truth (not always comfortable) lets FREEDOM bubble up to the surface.

Make time for your meditation/grounding—especially on Monday when the planetary transits support EXPANSION of intuitive flow! (More on this inside your daily energy report).

The planet Uranus has the BIGGEST Universal energy influencing all of us this week.

>>> Uranus invites CHANGE—and EVERYTHING the Universe provides you (even through change) is to support you and your growth in every way!

>>> The Universe is always aligned with greater good, love and light, no exceptions!

>>> Let CHANGE help you DISCOVER a part of your life that’s been needing your attention.

Uranus is supporting this energy around you and the more you pay attention, the more your outcome is POSITIVE!

The Universal energy this week has the potential to bring you healing/shifts/change in EXTRAORDINARY ways. From personal to professional, even GLOBAL!

Explore, Expand, Enjoy!

Soul Membership (and complete forecast for the week ahead):

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