Basel III Threatens to Break The Gold Derivative Market in June

3 years ago

We revisit the Basel III requirements that are set to wreak havoc on the London unallocated gold market on June 27, 2021. We also discuss the potential affects this has on vaulting gold toward its CPI adjusted high of $3045.

We go over in detail over the history of Basel requirements and why they keep changing. Essentially, the banking system is having trouble meeting those liquidity standards after the Lehman collapse, despite what they may tell us publicly.

We also revisit the threat that the LBMA made to the rest of the world's gold markets, and why it indicates London is panicking over physical gold trade moving East to those other markets.

I explain in detail why June of 2021 will likely not be the date at which the entire derivative market in gold breaks, because the LBMA and COMEX are not the only markets where derivatives are traded.

However, it will likely do two things for gold: 1) raise the floor of the gold price significantly and 2) cause gold trade to shift methodically away from Western gold markets.

At the end of the day, I estimate a 2-3 year window before the central banks are ready to let the gold price fully revalue, and the fiat currency and debt system to suffer it's ultimate fate. The reasons for this prediction are included in this presentation in some detail.

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