TRUMP WILL WIN! And this is why... Part 3 of Wake Up, America! The Information War is ON!

3 years ago

I felt it was my civic duty to tell you what I've learned... Recorded Oct. 30th, 2020.

Here is the video I refer to on the accusation against Trump:

Here are Kim Clement's prophecies on Trump, America, and God's desires for the Supreme Court dating back to 2007! I think I forgot to mention that Kim's prophecies in the past were so right on that he told us the FBI was investigating him, wondering how he knew so much! : D

"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." ~ Amos 3:7, NKJV

Here is the 1983 prophecy on Trump I spoke of:

Here is the movie on firefighter Mark Taylor's life and the journey God took him on that led to the prophetic insights on Trump's presidency:

More evidence of God using Trump to fulfill His plans for the Supreme Court, which Kim also prophesied 2 judges will come down, one by embarrassment, and as you know, the other by death (RBG).. and now you see it playing out. Many of us believe this 2011 prophesy here is about newly-appointed SCOTUS Amy Coney Barrett... Soon, God will overturn Roe vs. Wade and save the many unborn lives that have been perishing under the corruption in the Supreme Court, coming against the pro-pedophilia wickedness that was brought through RBG and the Clinton that put her in office, not to mention the justice that will finally come from having more just judges... justice that has been waiting... Pray they make the right decisions...

These are some of the many human stories they will never tell you on most of the cable news networks, because it doesn't fit their agenda, but this may help you to see how much Trump's prison reform has changed lives for the good. This poor man got TWO life sentences just for a conspiracy charge on selling drugs in his youth - a FIRST time offender. Such rulings were made possible due to Joe Biden's 1994 crime bill that sent many young Black men such as Tanner to prison with harsh sentences. Note that Obama denied this man clemency when he begged, but Trump gave him a new life... You can confirm this story in the Chicago Tribune as well...

This is Trump being recognized by Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition over 21 years ago:

ABOUT ME: I'm here to tell the truth. Veteran, Truther, Patriot, and Follower of Christ that other platforms have tried to censor, covering the political landscape, history, current news, and future events to unfold that have been prophesied about, to expose the spiritual darkness that has permeated the United States of America, and to offer hope from a higher perspective and rally the Spiritual Warriors of this generation back to the values and principles our forefathers fought and died for. Because the mainstream media won't tell you. WE are now the news.

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