Fun with the Geodesic Chicken Coop

3 years ago
37 - For Carolyn: O, my love is like the red, red rose that's newly sprung in June O, my love is like the melodie that's sweetly played in tune. As fair art thou, my only love, so deep in love am I, And I will love thee still, my Jo, till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, till a' the seas gang dry, And I will love thee still, my love, till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry, my love, and the rocks melt wi' the sun, And I will love thee still, my dear, while the sands of time shall run. And fare thee well, my only love, and fare thee well a while. And I will come again, my love, tho' it were ten thousand miles. Tho' it were ten thousand miles, my love, tho' it were ten thousand miles, And I will come again, my love, tho' it were ten thousand miles. Music: "My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose", played by The Boatrights. Poetry by Robert Burns.

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