Local Empowerment:The Ground Under Overtown

3 years ago

A community responds to adversity with a spirit of coming together; with mutual aid, solidarity..and Permaculture! Black and White (3:15) join forces...to counter poverty and gentrification (2:07) corporate irresponsibility and environmental pollution (4:05), "free" trade (4:21)...Coming together to create a community garden (5:25) on what used to be "two vacant lots" (5:56)..using permaculture (6:43). During the week of the FTAA, activists held a workshop on permaculture at the Overtown Community Garden, dirtributing 100 cherry trees (7:14).

Share the love (8:18) Please share (even if only some of aspects resonate with you) Like and Subscribe..More about permaculture, some links [to be added later]

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