Hatikvah is Hope Susan Joy Dahl Song Video

3 years ago

Dearly Beloved,

Yeshua HaMashiach, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, is everything and all we need. Have your scarlet cord upon your lips to bring hope, truth, and love to those around you. Bring them into your house for safety, like Rahab, who cried out upon the wall in Jericho and, like Queen Esther, who brought her petition to the King for the saving of her people.

Hear the cry of the bride, as a call of travail, during the time when the door of grace is closing in upon us during the night watch. The children of Israel had to put the blood upon the doorposts, as a Token, to be protected when the death angel went across the land devouring and destroying. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb upon the doorposts of our hearts. We overcome by the word of our testimony, bringing His hope to others.

He is more than faithful to cover us and guide us by His Spirit, the Oil of gladness, no matter what our circumstances and predicament. The LORD is faithful and true, an ever present help in the time of trouble. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, our KING, will not forsake us when we are surrounded on every side and in danger. Love the LORD and worship Him and only Him by, the Word of God and His Spirit of truth, love, and peace. Speak His name and praise His name always.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl
"Shoshana Joy"

Hatikvah is Hope
A Song of Loves from
"I Love You Oh My Love"
Copyright 2020

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