US Election Fraud Proof

3 years ago

Maria Strollo Zack, "Italy Gate."

According to Maria Strollo Zack, "The theft of the election was orchestrated in the Rome Embassy, on the second floor of Via Veneto, by an employee, Stefano Serafini, foreign service officer of over 20 years. Stefano Serafini coordinated with a General Claudio Graziano."

"General Graziano is on the board of Leonardo — the defense contractor, Leonardo SPA," Strollo Zack continued. "Leonardo used their military satellite uplink to load the software and transfer it over to change the votes from Trump to Biden."

‘…recent arrests of employees at Leonardo were related to the incident, and that the plan was orchestrated by former President Barack Obama, with help from former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the CIA.’

There exists a 13-minute video whereby retired CIA station chief Bradley Johnson shares a similar concern in connection with the scandalous event regarding the election fraud which was made possible by the assistance of election servers that were found and confiscated in Frankfurt, Germany. Conversation Controversy.

"The U.S. elections were changed, the results were changed in those five or six key states, then all of those voting machines were hooked up to the internet," according to Mr Johnson. That, "The internet then was used to download that information to these famous servers in Germany."

Mr Johnson continued, saying, "So from there, those were uploaded and sent to Rome, and this is where this took place,". "Once they created all the new data and manipulated all the data that was there, they sent these new numbers back up through this military satellite (...) and back down to all the machines here in the United States in those five or six states."

Johnson likewise accentuated the length of time it took to upload the data to servers in Germany and Italy, manipulate it in Italy, and returned it back to the U.S. was the source of the "sudden" uptick in votes for Biden in a total of seventeen different states.

According to Mr Johnson, "it’s clear from Italian newspapers this is going on,"

A number of employees of Leonardo were arrested on Dec. 5, 2020.
The news media in Italy has covered much of the scandal thus far.

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