In time of distress, the different levels of consciousness become more clear

3 years ago

(Originally on YT on 27th March 2020)

Important to keep ourselves on a higher level of vibration when we meet somebody of a lower consciousness. We are being asked to have understanding for them, stay calm and guide them with words.

Meditate to bring ourselves into a higher state of vibration.

People who are on a lower level of consciousness do feel that there is a difference, they can feel frustrated already by not understanding you or feeling that they are not able to get to the level where you are.

Accept their fear and let them be heard, we can guide them in a kind way rather than having a ‘I am right’ or ‘You are wrong’ conversation. They might even take the next step to move forward in a way that feels good to them.

Our task is to keep ourselves balanced, go within and stay calm – not to wake up the others. They will take their own time.

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