3 years ago

Mayor and Governor Declare Martial Law State Of Emergency Activate National Guard!

HAVRE DE GRACE, Tuesday, April 23.

A passenger from Baltimore at 11 o'clock this morning, says that he heard nothig about Pensacola when he left. The city was quiet.

Martial law was enforced, and the troops arriving from the country had been sent back to hold themselves in readiness, there being sufficient force in the city.


A gentleman just from Washington, at 7 o'clock this morning, via Baltimore 1 o'clock this afternoon, reports the affairs of both cities as statu quo.

A system of martial law exists in both cities, but it was not officially proclaimed.

A large Union Meeting was held at Elkton, Md., to-day. Eight hundred delegates were present. A resolution was passed to the effect that "Cecil County will not secede, let Maryland do what she will."

Gen. DARE established a camp at Perryville to-day. All the troops are in good condition, and are drilling.


"Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people."
—Thomas Jefferson

Time For A New American Revolution?

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