Is the US government really Anti-Marijuana?

4 years ago

DEA Proposes Moving THC From Schedule I to III on List of Controlled Substances...

So who will benefit most from this proposal if implemented by the Obama administration? BIG PHARMA, Of Cooourse, but I have had two standards by which Barack Obama's presidency should be measured:

#1 has the Obama DOJ begun criminal proceedings against any Bush administration official guilty of torture and war crimes --- so far that one's a big fail. But,

#2 has Obama moved cannabis off Schedule 1 and the answer to that appears it may be ding, ding, ding, Yes, For the (Partial) Win --- and even though it will still take a doctor's prescription to get a "bag" at least all doctors will feel it legitimate to prescribe THC as readily as they hand out anti-depressants today. The major drawback to the current recommendation is that the plant would still be Schedule 1, so a lot of work still needs to be done on the total legalization of a plant indigenous to all continents.

Now progressives need to make the big push to legalize the production of hemp for all the benefits it will bring to the US economy from alternative energy sources to food supplements.

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