How to master our four dimensions - How to stop fear and insecurity

3 years ago

One of the most important things in creating a healthy and successful life and marriage is learning how to master our four dimensions, as human beings.

Sometimes, life throws things at us we must deal with. Sometimes, we are faced with situations we’d rather not go through – but we don’t always get a choice. Sometimes, we have to face the struggle. This is why it’s important to learn how to master our four dimensions as human beings that Jesus teaches us in the Bible about. So that when something comes up, we are ready to go to the root of our problem and eliminate it, not just put a band-aid on it and keep letting it separate us from God and keep us from the total freedom Jesus promises us when we abide in His Word.

Last year, I was suffering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder. I couldn’t leave my apartment without a ton of anxiety I had to fight off, I couldn’t have any friends or relationships, and I couldn’t even have a moment’s peace because I was obsessed with my abusive parents. I was in therapy, but we were going in the wrong direction and things were getting worse for me.

Then I turned to God – in a moment of complete desperation, and I ended up deciding to be Jesus’ disciple. He teaches us in the Bible that if we abide in His Word (meaning, we study and do what He says), we will be His Disciples indeed. And we will know the Truth, and the Truth will set us free. That’s what happened in my life – I learned the truth about my mental and emotional problems, and I started doing what Jesus tells us in the Bible to do. I began replacing my unhealthy coping mechanisms with the healthy emotional skills that Jesus teaches us, and now I am completely healed!

An essential part of this process however was understanding what my problems actually were – because they were not what I’d originally thought they were. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to master our four dimensions – so that we can be totally free in all areas of our lives, as Jesus Himself promises us!

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