Stone Circles and Megalith's with Hugh Newman

3 years ago

HUGH NEWMAN is an explorer, antiquarian and author of Earth Grids: The Secret Patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites (Wooden Books, 2008) and Stone Circles same publisher. He has been a regular guest on History Channel's Ancient Aliens and featured in Search for the Lost Giants with Jim and Bill Vieira. Since 2006 he has been organizing the Megalithomania Conference and since 2013 the Origins Conference in London with Andrew Collins. He runs regular tours and expeditions to Peru, Egypt, Turkey, Britain, Mexico, Cambodia, Java, India and other locations. He also writes for numerous magazines and has a BA (Hons) in Film and Journalism from London Guildhall University. His worldwide adventures and lectures can be seen at His main website is He lives in Glastonbury, England.

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