9/11 Suspect Only Waterboarded 183 Times Before He Confessed

3 years ago

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was water-boarded 183 times and subjected to other forms of torture and brutality while held in a secret CIA "black site," leading to his confessions not only to 9/11 but a large number of other crimes, some of which never took place and others that he could not have committed.


(CBS News) In one way, the renewed military trial of the acknowledged mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks and four others is a bit of Kabuki theater. Everyone knows the charges. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshib have admitted to, even reveled in, their roles as principal planners the attacks.

In another way, it is a bit of a high-wire act - the military commission system is one that hadn't been used since the 1940s to execute Nazi spies who came in from a German submarine off Montauk Point in New York. In the few cases from the post-9/11 battlefields, it has been clunky.


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