2013: Obama's Hypocrisy, 178 Children Killed by Drone Program

3 years ago

"Obama Touts Need to Keep Children Safe Despite Killing Many with Drone Strikes" ..."he hasn't hesitated to kill foreign and American innocent children with his drone program."


In his remarks Wednesday on gun violence in America, President Obama was joined on stage by four children who had written him letters urging tougher gun control requirements. He stressed that our "first task as a society" is to keep "our children safe."

But does the president's drone campaign go against this message? Judge Napolitano argues that it does. According to numbers reported by Stanford Law School and New York University Law School, from June 2004 to September 2012, drones killed from 2500 and 3300 people in Pakistan alone, 176 of whom were children. The judge pointed out that two of these children were Americans. He also pointed out that these statistics span both President Obama and President Bush's times in office.

"We have a president who has not hesitated to kill foreign innocent children or American innocent children when they are in a foreign country. He loses credibility when he stands with innocent American children and says 'I'm going to keep you safe,'" Napolitano said.


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—Thomas Jefferson

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