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4 years ago

Soon after Theresa May became Prime Minister, David Cameron having resigned in the wake of the referendum result, she began to say things like 'we must bring the country together' and 'we must heal the divisions.'

From that point on it became increasingly obvious that she and her 'Remainer' cabinet would not be honouring the result of the referendum. The 17.4 million who voted to leave the EU would, if her vision prevailed, be rid of their masters in name only, if at all.

'Bring the country together' and 'heal the divisions' was never anything more than cynical and deceptive code for 'I will give half the referendum winners' winnings to the losers!' Thereby, ensuring a 'soft,' EU-friendly Brexit before the terms 'soft' and 'hard' had even been invented.

After the Prime Minister promised, categorically, that we would be leaving the EU on 29 March 2019 on no less than 108 occasions, we are now informed that that will not be the case. After she also repeatedly promised that 'NO DEAL' would be better than a 'BAD DEAL,' we now find that this option has been vetoed, despite the fact that this was always much closer to what the British people thought they were voting for in June 2016, than May's deal or anything else proposed by our parliamentarians.

How long will Brexit, any kind of Brexit, be delayed? Your guess is as good as mine.

Will we ever get what we voted for in June 2016?

Not if the EU, our own MPs, the mainstream media and those who own them all can help it!

The question that appeared on referendum ballot papers was:

'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?'

The responses were:

1) Remain a member of the European Union

2) Leave the European Union

The majority, despite all the 'Project Fear' propaganda voted to 'leave.'

They did not vote for a deal. They did not vote to remain subject to the European Union's dictat in all but name.

Politicians lie, ladies and gentlemen, dishonesty is the default position.


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