"Exercise Your Faith!" - Stone Faith Patriot

4 years ago

This video is a significant departure to my normal demeanor when creating these videos. After watching over the past month or so several patriot news providers on various video platforms, all who I have depended on for legitimate news for the past several years, suddenly talking as if they have lost their faith, speaking doubt, fear, anxiety, and defeat, I am fed up. FED UP!
Listen, if you claim to love and follow Jesus the Christ, defeat should not be in your vocabulary. We are more than conquerors through Christ! His Holy Spirit lives in each of us who truly believe on the LORD Jesus Christ. Man, If I had the audience those dudes have, I'd be encouraging, speaking life, claiming victory, speaking truth, well - basically what I do now, only with a LOT of people hearing the Good News instead of those dudes' messages of defeat, doubt, and fear.
Please, people, trust the LORD! This is not a defeat, no matter what things may appear to be!!! Stand firm in your faith. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world!

Thank you for watching. I pray and speak bountiful blessings over you and yours from our Father in heaven, in Jesus' name.

If you would like to donate to my work, I sure could use some new gear. Some of my gear fell apart and landed on my desk right in front of me last evening as I was preparing to do some video editing. If the LORD compels you to give, please do. My Patreon page is here - https://www.patreon.com/StoneFaithPat...
Thank you for all of your prayers, and for your kind words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me.

Don't feel pressure to give. I'm fully aware of the plethora of ministries and charities that need our donations. I'm just a little guy, a video content creator trying to get started, and I trust the LORD to provide what I need. He always does.

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