Leaked database of 2 million of Chinese Communist Party’s members | ONNEWS

3 years ago

A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world.

The leak revealed the names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity of the 1.9 million members with some being revealed as working in major government institutions.

At least ten international consulates in Shanghai were revealed to have Communist Party members allegedly hired through a state-owned recruitment agency.

“Now who could have thought that using a CCP front company to hire staff might throw a few Chinese spies and CCP members into the mix,” Mr Bernardi said.

“Personally, I'd be surprised if anyone put forward by this company wasn't really an agent of Communist China.

“I wonder how many Australians, personally hand-vetted by our own government, are working in the Chinese embassy here in Canberra.

“I suspect the answer is zero and one could imagine the outcry from the Chinese government itself if we insisted they did, that they're making us do.

“This is just another example of how China plays by different rules to the rest of the world and as an increasing number of nations turn a blind eye to the double standards, and the hypocrisy, usually for financial reasons, the western world is sealing its own fate."

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