This is Too Good January 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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This is Too Good January 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce and other big corporations, especially in the Tech Industry are pushing for “vaccine credentials” which they claim will “empower” people to “return to life.”
This, at the same time that the US Treasury Department is pulling another name trick, converting all the Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts that were named like this: GORDON ALLEN FRAZER to the "dead" reversed and bankrupted form: FRAZER, GORDON ALLEN.
Now let me tie this together for you.
The Municipal United States Government which is nothing but a federal Subcontractor, organized as a foreign, privately-owned, for-profit commercial corporation, created Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after each one of us in an illegal and immoral effort to enclose our assets and use our assets as chattel backing their Municipal Corporation debts.
These trusts were never alive in the first place, but when they are tapped out or otherwise can't be used for chattel any more, they reverse the order of the names.
We know this because they did the same thing back in the 1930's when they "presumed" that everyone in America was a Municipal "citizen of the United States" and owed everything they had to pay the debts of these larcenous Subcontractors. All of sudden, names that stood on the Public Record as, for example, Julius Alfred Schnur, were reversed and registered as "Schnur, Alfred Julius".
Those familiar with Military Records will note that this is also the way that Military Rosters read --with the names reversed. It's always read out, "Frazer, Gordon Allen" never "Gordon Allen Frazer". The same logic applies --- while in the military, Gordon Allen Frazer is "dead" with respect to his civilian identity.
So these THINGS are now "dead" with respect to their former identity as Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts, but the vermin are making a bid to continue to use them and "bring them back to life".
It's like a really bad inside joke.
Observe that Microsoft and other huge corporations that have been foisting their tax burdens and debts off onto living people for decades are claiming that getting vaccinated is going to magically return you to life -- and how would that happen?
By accepting their "vaccine" containing their patented mRNA, you are converted into a GMO "product" that they can own under the current US Patent Laws-- once they secure that ownership interest, they can access your credit and ESTATE again, and "bring the ESTATE back to life" ---- put it back on the books as a DEBTOR supporting their debts.

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