Alternative Theory

4 years ago

Welcome to https://alternativetheory

No vax 💉mask 😷 – 💥─╤╦ lockdowns 🔒Censorship free discussion. The state (corrupt congress) is the problem. Critical thinking Security culture Cryptography Independence Anonymity Agorism and Voluntary 🤝 exchanges by means of counter-economics. No Spam or personal attacks

I've been working on a pinned message that I'd like all of us to partake in.

Governments worldwide corrupt control & enslave. How do they do this and why do we allow it?

The thought police are out to get you: There is no such thing as hate speech and all political speech potentially "incites violence". Might as well ban the Bible, Koran and organized religion in general as they incite a lot fo violence. These absurd cancel culture terms brought into existence by the dictatorial technocracy only exist to erode what's left of your liberty, power, and independence.

The elites aren't elite: The so-called "elites" of this great marxist global reset are locking the people down, destroying their businesses, lives as well as telling people they will "own nothing and be happy". Don't fool yourself, they will own it ALL. Laws for thee but not for me.

Controlled opposition: Vladimir Lenin said: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
He speaks of state controlled puppet movements and useful idiots like ANTIFA/BLM/ISIS. Now we have the "invisible enemy" deadly mutating airborne virus, which is the exact same controlled opposition concept.

Monopoly on violence: The state is the monopoly on violence and there's nothing legitimate about it. Big Pharma is killing us, making us sicker and is embedded in the state. Governments are complicit but it can be stopped. We all live in a planned command marxist economy. All patents and intellectual property should be abolished. A free market will stop the statist concentration of wealth, allow unlimited innovation and competition to thrive.

Vote with your dollars: People ask how they can take down the statist commie fascist technocracy in a peaceful way, as there often seems to be no peaceful solution. These corporations (that aren't true private companies as they're embedded with the state) can be taken down. Facebook, Twitter, Walmarts, etc all need one thing to survive, and that one thing is users/customers. If you starve them of your dollars/data they will either need to change their business model and respect the people they provide services to, or suffer and eventually go out of business.

Don't tread on me: Learn to print guns. Cody Wilson gave us all a gift that can NEVER be taken away. Ghost Gunner allows you to manufacture firearms with confidence and ease, in the privacy of your own home. There are many options for this!

I trust we all realize we're living in a GLOBAL police state and the two-party false paradigm we're ruled under is nothing more than the illusion of choice kept in place to divide and conquer. Choose your side.

To be continued, revised, and perfected by Alternative Theory members who'd like to participate.

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