Jan2021 Raid Death B4 Dishonor 512

3 years ago

This is the top 512 target from Death Before Dishonor raid. Key things to note; no crew applied to fleet and alliance points are only 3 quarters full.

Ships are all U3 minimum, 2 standard ships are X1 (X1 gives the wider countermeasure to the built in side pods, you can see this in the video represented by the green quadrants).

Do not too many ships attack you at once, this will overload your countermeasures.
When approaching the proto nems, come at an angle so what they fire misses. Approach from an oil slick if you can so you get on top of it faster. Stay as close as possible so you are inside the range of the missiles.
For the nighthawks subs, do not go close, need to be at max range or the blue missiles will hurt. I let one fire, if you do this you need to move at speed so the fire falls behind you. Avoid the smart torps as they do a lot of damage.

Playback is at 4x speed (you can slow this down in your player using the cog icon bottom right)

Ship builds are shown, they are all the same except some have one more explosive armour due to playing with configurations, does not seem to make much difference.

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