Nurse shark bites guys nipple

3 years ago

Occurred 9th January 2021, Florida Keys, USA. ''On a beautiful day in the sunny Florida keys, I was standing in front of a store when a man approached the door, dripping wet, mask and snorkel on his head, a nice underwater camera in one hand and a small nurse shark in the other. I opened the door and asked what was going on, to which he replied "Hey this nurse shark bite me and wont let go. You think you could help me out." I told him "absolutely, but would you mind if i took a picture first?" He laughed and said "yeah man, I need a copy of that and chuckled". I got a couple of other onlookers and a pair of pliers and we came up with a plan to remove the shark by prying open the pliers once they were inside the sharks mouth. The guy was in good spirits and laughed about it the whole time. We asked him what happened and he said he was out snorkeling on a nearby public beach taking pics of the shark under a ledge, and got too close and it came over and bit him. So he wandered over to us looking for help. The man was definitely relieved to get the shark off and very appreciative of our help, knowing he had a story for generations. Not once did he complain.''

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