McCain Flip-Flops on Gaddafi: From Humanitarian to Hitler

4 years ago

Sen. John McCain yesterday became the highest profile U.S. official to visit Libya since international military intervention began, and gave a hearty endorsement to the rebels fighting the Gadhafi government ... "They are my heroes," he said ... he called his visit "one of the most exciting and inspiring days of my life".

....McCain's last visit to Libya was very different, and it's amazing that U.S. media outlets reporting on his remarks yesterday are pretending this other visit never occurred. It was just 18 months ago that McCain traveled to Libya and cozied up to Gadhafi, visiting with him at the dictator's home in Tripoli, shaking his hand, and even bowing a little to Gadhafi:

The point of the meeting was for McCain to discuss delivery of American military equipment to the Libyan regime. I guess the rebels didn't hear about this? And that American media outlets simply forgot it happened?

Politics Daily (August 2009): Sen. John McCain, visiting Libya this past week, praised Muammar Gaddafi for his peacemaking efforts in Africa. In addition, McCain called for the U.S. Congress to expand ties with Gaddafi's government, according to Libya's state news agency. McCain had a face-to-face meeting with Gaddafi, which he detailed on his Twitter page with the following message:

"Late evening with Col. Qadhafi at his "ranch" in Libya -- interesting meeting with an interesting man."


Video: Rachel Maddow Show 4/25/11


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