Mike Lindell Responds To Letter from Dominion Lawyer

4 years ago

Dominion Voting Systems threatened My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell with a letter dated December 23, 2020, from defamation lawyers. In the letter, Dominion lawyer Thomas A. Clare called Lindell’s attacks on the voting company used in all six contested states “implausible,” adding they have “no basis in reality.”

100 Percent Fed Up – Mike Lindell is not the only person who received a threatening letter from Dominion—at least one GOP poll challenger in Michigan (who never even mentioned Dominion in her affidavit) received a threatening letter from Dominion.

Mike Lindell, a devout Christian, is not worried about a letter from Dominion lawyers threatening defamation. Like President Trump, Lindell is a fighter and is vowing to fight back, telling Axios that he’s looking forward to Dominion’s lawsuit. “I want Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have 100% evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the election.”

Source: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/mike-lindell-responds-letter-dominion-lawyer-want-dominion-put-lawsuit-100-evidence-china-countries-used-machines-steal-elec/

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