How Does It Feel To Be Fifty -- A Birthday Song

4 years ago

The sheet music for this is now available online at:
It includes a lyrics page along with the music for piano, voice and guitar.

Do you have a friend or family member turning fifty?

Commemorate the event by joining together with party members and singing them this friendly melodic roast in celebration of their 50th birthday.


How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Com-in’ a-part at the seams.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Lax-a-tives in your dreams.

How does it feel?

How's it feel to be fif-ty.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Dry-ing all up like a prune.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Ea-ting your mush with a spoon.

How does it feel?

How's it feel to be fif-ty.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Lit-tle white streaks in your hair.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Al-ways look-in for the near-est chair.

How does it feel?

How's it feel to be fif-ty.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Hav-ing your mind slip a-way.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Boy-scouts look-ing your way.

How does it feel?

How's it feel to be fif-ty.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Squin-ting at all that you read.

How does it feel to be fif-ty,

Dri-ving at sub-standard speeds.

How does it feel?

How's it feel to be fif-ty.

But, e-ven though you’re fif-ty let it al-ways be known,

That we love you,

e-ven though you’re get-in old.

(spoken) Man are you gettin' old. . .

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