Italy drone land - ESCAPE

3 years ago

Castel di Tora & Rocca Sinibalda
Italialand - ESCAPE

The village of Castel di Tora is located in the municipality of the same name in the province of Rieti and has rightfully entered the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy. This fabulous medieval village is located in an area where the urbanization and pollution of the city have not yet arrived. Immersed in an uncontaminated landscape on the shores of Lake Turano, it is surrounded by dense woods and dominated by Mount Navegna.
The history of Castel di Tora is quite ancient and dates back to the year 1000, a period in which it is mentioned for the first time in documents of the time. At that time its name was Castelvecchio (Castrum Vetus) and together with Antuni (Castrum Antuni), it passed from Lombard domination to that of Brancaleoni and Mareri until it was annexed to the Papal State.

Over the centuries it underwent the domination of various families and was part of different families until, after the unification of Italy, it assumed the current name of Castel di Tora. If already in the thirties of the twentieth century the construction of Lake Turano took away fertile land, pushing most of its inhabitants to emigrate, the bombings of the Second World War reduced the population even more, so much so that now the residents do not reach the three hundred units.


Castello Rocca Sinibalda
Located 70 km east of Rome, the Castle of Rocca Sinibalda is one of the most fascinating Italian castles. Listed as a National Monument, it has been standing since the 1Oth century on a spur of rock overhanging the Turano Valley.

Its current appearance comes from a bold zoomorphic design by the Renaissance architect Baldassarre Peruzzi: a powerful military fortress doubling with a sumptuous aristocratic palace. Also, a majestic eagle with its folded wings; or, more likely, a weird and sinister scorpion.


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